Can't find my website ( Sorry, I have decided to shut it down in order to focus on this blog page. All the same information but updated regularly! Thanks!
Hello There, I just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site. I see that you've accepted some guest posters in the past - are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions? If you're open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to? I'm eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics. Thanks for your time, Tess
Hello There,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site.
I see that you've accepted some guest posters in the past - are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions?
If you're open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to?
I'm eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics.
Thanks for your time,