Can't find my website ( Sorry, I have decided to shut it down in order to focus on this blog page. All the same information but updated regularly! Thanks!

Check out all my books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Interview and Giveaway of Secrets

I am excited to let you know about my interveiw and Secrets Giveaway now on

Please go check it out and sign up to win a copy of Secrets.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bad Reviews

I'm sure many of you have followed the Jacqueline Howett fiasco.  It made me start thinking about what I am going to do when I get my first bad review.  Other than curl up in my bed and cry about how I'm a terrible writer and what was I thinking trying to write a novel...and on and on like that until all the chocolate in the house is gone.  Then I think I might ask my reviewer for an interview.  Why not?  It could be fun and certainly we could all learn about the reviewing process and how they probably struggle with giving a bad review.  So keep an eye out for that in the future and see if I am really brave enough to do such a thing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My First Interview

My first interview is up.

I'm so excited.  I have never been interviewed before.  I knew it was coming today so I have my interview suit on, nylons, heels, the whole works.  So when you read it, you can imagine me sitting here looking all professional, answering her questions!

And thanks so much to Jemima!  She answered my request for a review of my short story book, The Hate, and loved it.  Her encouragement has meant so much to me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Books in a Series

I don't really care for books in a series.  Now don't get me wrong.  I love Jack Reacher (Lee Child) and Myron Boltair (Harlen Coben series).  The problem is, they are getting older.  In the books.  And they are taking me with them!

I don't mind looking older, really.  I don't mind that my seven year old daughter loves telling everyone my age because she thinks its cool I'm the oldest (my husband is almost three years younger than me).  I just hate what comes along with aging.  I can't drink like I used to.  Okay, I can, I just can't recover like I used to, so I don't do it very often.  It's a little harder to lose weight now.  The 24 hour flu takes 48 hours to recover from.
There is good news though.  The good news is I just don't care so much anymore.  Can't lose weight as easy?  Don't care so much about weight, or the rest of that superficial crap, so much anymore.  Getting older is freeing.  I am free of that pesky need to take good care of beautiful youthful skin.  Free of full bladder control.  Free of the need to go places and do things.    It's now okay to lay in bed on Friday night with the new Preston/Childs book and read instead of, you know, socializing.

In case you are wondering, I am turning 40 this year.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Movie Quotes

Each day I am going to twitter a line to a movie and post the answer on this blog.  I want to note that I am doing this from memory, not from looking up quotes.  So, if I get one wrong leave a comment and let me know.

The point of this?  Fun, of course.  I love movies as well as books.  Originally I wanted to quote movies adapted from books, but I can't do enough from memory.

I hope everyone enjoys.

Friday, March 25, 2011

First Post

This is my first blog post.  I plan to do all kinds of things here.  Talk about writing, review books, and something to kick things off.  I'm going to twitter a couple of time a week, a line from a movie and put the answer on my blog.  Test your movie knowledge and have a little fun. I really wanted to twitter a line from a movie adapted from a book but I don't think I can manage that every time.  So I'll go with this for now.
Obviously, I am still working on this site but soon it will be spectacular (or just finished).
Find me on twitter at @piercebooks